Visual Identity & web design
HittaPlagget — www.hittaplagget.se
Summer 2012
HittaPlagget (Find the apparel) is a web service that gathers information from the web about in which stores different clothing brands are sold in Sweden - in a sort a search engine for clothes. HittaPlagget is also a place for clothing agencies to show off their collections, a place for clothing stores to make themselves seen as well as a fashion blog.
The site had been around for quite some time when we were asked to take it on and revitalize the brand and website.
Our goal with the web design was to make the brands, stores and clothes come in to focus and take them far away from the crowded lists and small images of the previous design. We wanted to show more content and reduce navigation as much as possible, even though the site’s information density is very high we wanted to give it an airy feel with the use of simple and discrete details. The orange/red accent color was set to give the otherwize calm color scheme a bit of an edge.